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2020/2/21 5:42:35发布642次查看

题目:giving lectures in auditoriums to large numbers of students is an old way of teaching. with the technology available today there is no justification for it, and everything should be done online. to what extent do you agree or disagree? 
翻译:先来给大家一个词汇解释,相信auditorium这个词很多同学可能不认识,auditorium 可数名词: a large public building where meetings, concerts, etc. are held剧院;礼堂;音乐厅 --- 这个词在本题中既泛指教室,真实课堂。
关键词: giving lectures in auditoriums, everything should be done online
even though e-learning has become an education equalizer, it’s still not a replacement for the traditional classroom. sure, the technology is advancing, but it’s not flawless. just like any new, burgeoning innovation, e-learning faces its own challenges. 
from the teacher’s perspective, they can see where students get lost in a lesson and grade assignments with the click of a button.
if a platform(指在线课堂所使用的软件/平台) could actually cater content and interaction around the individual user—their speed, their interests, their location—then e-learning could give them the ability to learn whatever they want, from wherever they want.
some students need the push to get to class. online students who know they can do it at “their own pace” may procrastinate(拖延).
technology has changed every aspect of our life(我们生活的方方面面) including the way we learn and teach. nowadays it is possible to earn degrees online. online forums allow you to ask questions on any topic and receive answers within a matter of minutes. however, i still believe that online education cannot replace classroom-based learning and teaching.
(开头段:引出话题+给出观点- 要点:1)此开头写了4句话,大家在自己的文章开头段一般写2-3句即可,不要过长,但是一定要给出明确的观点 2) 大家注意cannot这个词的写法,首先是连着写的不要分开写成 can not,另外请注意不要简写成can’t,学术写作我们尽量避免简写) 
online learning has its advantages. you can learn from the comforts of your home. the flexible learning hours are a boon(福利,恩惠-对于很多可以类的题目我们都可以使用这个词,technology can be regarded as a boon for ….对于…而言某项科技发明为其带来了巨大福利 ) for people who cannot afford to spend 6 or 7 hours in the classroom. also, the internet has made it possible for learners to find teachers from any part of the world. so, for example, a student who wants to learn spanish can find spanish teachers online and learn from her home. she does not have to go to spain or find an institution that teaches spanish in her country.(此处给出具体的例子---这一点需要大家借鉴,在自己的写作中如果论证过程中能尽量给出这样具体到人、地方、事件的例子,会为你的文章大大加分)
online learning has its disadvantages too. since there is no one to supervise your work or evaluate your progress you need a great amount of motivation(此处注意motivation的修饰使用) and discipline to complete your course successfully. distractions are a real problem for students doing online programs.
by contrast, classroom learning does not have many of these drawbacks. the best thing about classroom learning is that it creates an ambiance(气氛,氛围) conducive(有助于,利于) to learning. in a class you are surrounded by other students who also want to score higher grades. this encourages you to work harder. in addition, subjects like medicine and engineering cannot be taught online because the emphasis is on practical not theory(再一次给出了非常具体的例子).
to conclude, online learning may have its benefits, but i still feel that classroom learning is superior(优于) to online learning. that said, the internet and information technology have endless possibilities. both students and teachers will benefit a lot if they take advantage of the power of the internet in the classroom.



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